How to Make a Reservation at a Beauty Spa for Treatments in Ottawa

After a week of hectic work and hours of stress, beauty spas or salons are the best places to unwind and lighten up. Ottawa has one of the most famous beauty salons across Canada which offers a comprehensive range of services. Some these spa are specialist in providing body massages, aromatherapy or Sauna, while others are leading the market with hot tub, spring baths, waxing and manicures. If you want pedicures, skin treatment, manicure, facial or any other services you may have to reserve a place in advance. Here is a step by step guide about how to make a reservation in beauty spa for treatment in Ottawa.


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    Locate Spa

    First of all decide what kind of treatment you want from a beauty spa in Ottawa. There are many beauty spas having speciality in different fields. You should check the repute of the beauty spa for the particular type of treatment you want. It will help you feel satisfied after the treatment. Here are the links of some directories of beauty spa in Ottawa.

    (1) Ottawa Press

    (2) Andrea's Ottawa Directory

    (3) Ottawa Health

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    Contact via Website

    You can also contact the beauty spa via website. It is common practice for the beauty spa business owners to run a website. If you have decided to make a reservation through website, you need to be ready to fill the reservation form. Usually the form asks you for the name, address, contact number, type of treatment you want and active e-mail address. Remember, you should provide valid e-mail address and mobile number because the salons usually send you confirmation by either of these methods. Health treatment coordinator then arranges time and day with you. You should remember the date and time because there are many spas that does not appoint coordinators.

    (a) Holtz Spa

    (a) York Street Spa

    (a) Vivianna Day Spa

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    Contact via Telephone

    Once you have decided about a beauty salon or spa, you can contact it to reserve a marketing place in Ottawa. When you call them, you need to confirm from them whether they offer the particular treatment or not. If they do, ask them for the price and the time period you will need to reserve for the treatment. Once you agree with the price and the time they will offer you, beauty spa will ask you for contact number, either home, mobile or work. They will alert you to the nearest date and time.

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    Payment Mode

    You also need to confirm the payment modes of the beauty spa. If they accept cash, you can pay them at the time of the treatment, however, if they ask for the credit or debit, remember to take one with you. Many spas does not accept cheques, so you should avoid to consider the option of payment via cheque.

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