How to Make a Stick in a Can

A stick in a can is used for photography. While many think it shouldn’t be used, others think it is quite useful. Mostly people are too lazy to use such things for their photography, but it is true that it is quite easy to make and you should always go for making things rather than purchasing them.
A stick in a can is basically a photography tool and if you are an old school photographer, you must know how to make it so that you can use it. It is extremely easy to make one and using it is not a problem either.
You do not need a lot of things to make a stick in a can. You should collect all the supplies that you require to make one and they are not even hard to find.
You should start off by getting yourself a can and a stick. Try to get small and wide cans so that you can put in a bit of cement in them and let it dry so that the stick keeps sticking inside the can.
So basically the total amount of things that you require to make this stick in a can is 8. You should have a stick, two cans, cement, hammer, a screw driver, nails and screws. -
Now is your time to put the stick inside the can just the way you want it. You should be sure that the stick is perpendicular to the base of the can. This way you will be able to stick the stick inside the can perfectly. Try to keep it as straight as possible. The straight stick is depicts perfection and the straighter the stick, the better the tool that you are trying to make. -
Now it is time for you to start the real work. You should start off by making two holes inside the can in order to make space for the screws that you have. You can easily make two holes by using the nails and the hammer that you have. Try to hammer the nail through the can and onto the stick that is standing perpendicular inside the can. Once you are done with nailing it, screw the screw inside and make it tight so that it grips the stick. -
Now it is your time to fill the whole can with cement. The cement will help you keep the can heavy and it will also help you keep the stick straight. The screw will allow you to keep the stick straight while you are pouring cement inside the can. Make the cement wet and leave everything as it is. -
Let the whole thing dry so that it can stick forever and it does not give you any sort of problems when you are moving it from here to there afterwards.
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