How to Make a Title Page for Dissertation

Designing an impressive and eye-catching title page for dissertation is not the work of a rocket scientist. It is probably the simplest task in dissertation writing. Although writing a dissertation title page is not difficult at all, but we cannot overlook its great importance in the overall grading of the management.
For example, if you have really worked hard on your overall dissertation but could not make an impressive title page, the readers will turn-off at the start of the evaluation and may end up in poor grading. Make sure to follow a proper standard format that simply shows you are presenting a proper PhD or Masters Dissertation not something like a Grade 5 essay on my favorite book.
Set Page Margins
First of all, leave equal margins on all sides of an A-4 size word page and type the title the title of your dissertation in the right center of the page. Make sure the title of your thesis is in caps (Capital). -
Insert title of your Dissertation
Skip a 4-line space below the dissertation title and insert your full name in the center of the title page. -
Mention your previous degree
Leave a two-line space and mention your previous degree followed by the exact date and year of the graduation of your last degree. -
State the reason of writing the dissertation
Now, skip another four-line space and write down a simple statement, stating the reason of submitting the dissertation. -
Write the name of your Department
Skip 1 or 2-line space below the reason of your dissertation and insert the name of your department followed by the full name of your university or grade school. -
Write the date, year, and university name
Close your dissertation title page by inserting the month and year of your dissertation without leaving any space below your institution name.