How to Make a Toga Out of a Sheet

If you are planning to host a toga party, you would definitely want to know a possible way of making a toga yourself. Fortunately, making a toga at home is a very simple project and does not require anything but a sheet of cloth. In a couple of tries, you would be able to make the perfect toga and save yourself the trouble of visiting a local store.
Things Required:
– Flat sheet
– Safety pins
– Rope or ribbon (for women)
Making a Men's Toga
Grab the sheet of cloth which you want to use for making the toga and hold it up at your waist, keeping the sheet’s long side parallel to the ground. Divide the sheet into three equal portions, keeping one of the three portions towards your left and the other two portions towards your right. -
Pin the short third of the sheet to the rest of the sheet after wrapping it around your waist once.
Bring the long, loose end of the sheet of cloth you are using in front of your body by wrapping the other two thirds portion of the sheet around your waist.
Take a hold of the loose end and properly wrap it around your chest and across the opposite shoulder. Pull the sheet down along your back and then carefully pin the sheet at your waist.
Make a Woman's Toga
Grab the sheet of cloth at one of its ends and bring it up to your neck. Be sure to keep the long side of the sheet perpendicular to the ground. Divide the sheet into two equal portions, holding one at your front and the other at your back. -
Wrap the second half of the cloth sheet around your back and then secure together the sheet’s top corner around your shoulder with pins. Continue until the corner of your sheet is pinned all the way to your neck.
Wrap the second half of the cloth sheet around your back and then secure together the sheet’s top corner around your shoulder with pins. Continue until the corner of your sheet is pinned all the way to your neck.
Do the same for the other side of the sheet, leaving a hole for your arms. Pin together the open sheet sides. Cinch the sheet of cloth as neatly as possible at your waist and then use a piece of rope of a fancy ribbon to secure the sheet of cloth in place and prevent it from falling off of your body. It would be best if colour of the ribbon you choose complements the colour of the sheet you are using for making the toga.