How to Make a Valentine with a Ribbon Border

If you are looking for a material which can be used to add the perfect finish to a homemade Valentine card, consider using a red ribbon to create a border around the card. This is an easy to accomplish task and should not take too much of your time. Here is a list of things which you will need in order to create a ribbon border around a Valentine.

Things Required:

– Ribbons
– Rubber Stamps
– Potpourri
– Scissors
– Card Stock
– Felt-tip Pens
– Hole Punchers
– Pencils and Erasers
– Rulers
– Valentine Stickers
– Rubber stamps


  • 1

    Use a pair of scissors in order to cut a piece of card stock, 6×6 inches in size. Make sure that the blades of the scissors you use are sharp so that a clean cut can be achieved.

  • 2

    With a pencil, outline a heart shape on the piece of card stock and then use a pair of scissors to cut out the heart shape.

  • 3

    Along the perimeter of the heart shaped card, punch holes with a hole punch. Keep the holes evenly spaced to make the card look more attractive.

  • 4

    From a spool of ¼-inch-wide ribbon, cut a piece which should be 1 yard in length.

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    Feed one end of the ribbon through the hole at the top of the card’s centre. Pull the ribbon halfway, dividing it into two sections of 6 inches each, without cutting the piece of ribbon into two.

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    Bring the ribbon’s long end over the heart’s edge and insert the other end of the ribbon through the hole right next to the first hole.

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    Continue in a similar fashion until you have fed the ribbon through all the holes on the perimeter of the heart shaped card.

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    When none of the perimeter holes remain without ribbon, tie the ribbons ends into a beautiful bow. The bow you tie should be of average size.

  • 9

    Use stickers, markers or stamps made out of rubber to decorate the front part of the card. To finish the card, write a message that you would want to convey to the person for whom you are making the Valentine card.

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