How to Make a Wedding Slide Show

A wedding is one of the most important and vital moments of anyone’s life. It is something that changes and alters the rest of your life, and dictates just what you will be doing in the future.

More than often, weddings have photographers and movie makers come in at the wedding, in order to capture the moments for them on film, so that they may enjoy them later on in life.

However, in order to go the extra mile, some couples decide to take things a little further. They do so by putting personal input on their post wedding activities. These activities also tend to include the making of slideshows for everyone to view and enjoy.


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    Choose program

    Before you begin making the slideshow for your wedding, the very first thing that you need to do, is for you to go on and select a software to use. If you aren’t very good at using various programs it would be better to use something like power point, or to pick a program whose instructions and user catalogue can easily be obtained or found.

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    Now once you have gone on to select the software that you are going to use, you need to go on and short list the pictures that you will be using. There are going to be a lot of pictures so it would be wiser for you to shortlist the ones you really like.

    At the same time, you can also shortlist the small video clips and the music that you want to use. This is going to make it a whole lot easier for you to compile everything later on.

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    The next step is to take everything you have short listed and compile it to make your slideshow. This is the most crucial part, since it will determine the final outlook of your slideshow.

    Make sure you spend extra time while compiling everything since you don’t want to find a major problem later on, once you have already finalized everything.

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    Make copies

    Now that you have done just about everything, the next step is to go on, and make copies of the slide show. You can easily do this by burning it onto CDs and DVDs, or sending everyone the slideshow on a USB.

    All you have to do is make sure that the quality is not affected and you are good to go.

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