How to Make Baked Potatoes on the Grill

Baking potatoes on the grill is an extremely simple task. However, it is advised to follow the right procedure and show patience. Grilled potatoes are not only tasty but they are also extremely healthy. For improved flavour and taste, it is recommended to learn the basics of using charcoal grilling that allows you to cook several dishes at once. Potatoes are typically cooked over indirect heat. Preheat the potatoes in the microwave oven to reduce the time of cooking.
Things Required:
– Charcoal grill
– Charcoal chimney starter filled with hardwood
– Lighter
– Whole baking potatoes (such as russets)
– Fork
– Aluminum foil
– Cooking oil
– Salt (optional)
– Toppings of your choice
Consider removing the rack to access the bottom part of the grill. It is advised to open the grill vents on the base as well as the lid to ensure proper cooking. You will also be required to clean the grill if it needs to be cleaned. Spend as much time as needed to clean the grill to ensure the baked meal is clean of any dirt particles and bacteria. You should try to clean the grill a day in advance of preparing food as this gives you plenty of time to get all of the grime out.
Using a knife cut the potatoes in half from end to end. Remove the extended skin using a peeler for quick baking of the potatoes. Next, consider slicing or dicing the onion whatever suits your needs. Place the onion rings on top of one half of the potatoes and cover the other half with fresh green chilies, tomatoes, pepper, ginger and garlic. Always be careful while using a knife to cut potatoes.
For enhanced taste, you can try drop peanut butter on the entire potato before placing it on the grill. It is recommended to cover the grill with an aluminum foil sheet before placing the potatoes. If possible, wrap each potato in foil and seal the ends. The foil will help bake the potato thoroughly and quickly on the grill.
Make sure the gas or charcoal grill is not over heated to avoid burning the potatoes. Set the grill temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and close the lid for at least a couple of hours. Keep turning over the potatoes to achieve thorough cooking.
Use tongs to remove the potatoes from the grill. Let them cool down to room temperature and then unwrap before serving it to your friends, relatives and other guests. Remember to handle the potatoes carefully when they come off the grill as they will be extremely hot.