How to Make Lemon Cordial

Lemon Cordial is a summer drink, and a delectable drink at that; it is mainly served in parties and is a refreshing retreat from the heat of the summers. Due to its cooling nature, it is a highly rated drink used in many households.

In general terms, Cordial can be referred to as a non alcoholic sugar syrup drink. This can be made at home as well, which makes it a convenience for many and below are the ingredients required for the drink.


– 6 large lemons ( rinsed and cleaned)

– 1 level dessertspoon of citric acid

– 1 1/2 pints boiling water

– 2 pounds sugar

– 1 level dessertspoon tartaric acid

Preparation time: A day.

Level of difficulty: Medium.


  • 1

    Initially, separate the ingredients into dry ones and liquid ones. Then take the dry material and put the ingredients in a bowl. Then mix the ingredients so that everything is incorporated.

  • 2

    Make sure that the lemons are thoroughly rinsed and wiped clean, so that no excess chemicals remain on the surface of the lemons. Use a grater or a peeler to peel off the skin of the lemons. However, make sure that you are not overzealous in your peelings and that the bitter white portion of the rind does not come off as well.

  • 3

    Cut the lemons and squeeze their juice in a bowl, and take special care to strain the juices from any unwanted seeds. Add this juice to the dry ingredients and the lemon rind, and amalgamate the dry and the liquid materials together to form a pasty consistency.

  • 4

    After mixing the stuff together, pour boiling water on top of it; stirring constantly while adding the water into the mixture. Make sure that no lumps remain in the mixture

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    After the mixture has been thoroughly beaten and it has cooled off, it would need to be covered by a cling film. This is used to let the mixture sit and react without the external factors of dirt and insects contaminating the mixture.

    A plate can also be used to cover the bowl, if a cling wrap is unavailable.

  • 6

    You should proceed after giving the mixture a day's rest. Do not be alarmed if any lumps are found in the mixtures; simply strain the concoction through a sieve to remain any lumps or lemon zest that might be in the mixture.

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    The strained mixture should be put in a bottle and kept in the fridge to be stored.

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    Make sure that it is kept under 4 degrees Celsius; otherwise the mixture would keep on reacting till it develops an extremely sour and bitter taste.

  • 9

    Your lemon cordial is ready to be served. Use the mixture in low dosage and at the base of the glass and fill the rest of the glass with a variety of options. These options include adding water, lemonade or soda water. Enjoy with a slice of lemon on the edge of the glass.

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