How to Make Maple Flavored Syrup

Making flavored maple syrup is extremely simple. By following the right procedure and being patient, you can easily prepare maple flavored syrup at home. It is recommended to use only healthy ingredients when making maple syrup as this will ensure an improved taste. All ingredients required to make maple syrup can be easily purchased from your local grocery store. You can also save money by preparing the syrup at home. There are a number of methods for making maple syrup but you should choose the one that best suits your needs.
Things Required:
– 1 cup water
– 1 cup sugar
– 1 tsp. maple flavoring
– Measuring cup
The steps involved in preparation of maple syrup at home are very easy to follow. You will be required to be patient and pay attention to details to achieve the right texture and flavor. Consider buying a water pot if you do not have one already. Add some water into it and put it on a stove. Make sure you set the stove on medium heat. Be very careful when working around the stove or hot water and always take the necessary safety precautions.
Using a wooden spoon to stir the mixture regularly. Take your time when bringing the water to boil. You should never set your oven temperature too high as this can kill several useful nutrients and minerals in pure water.
Continue to stir while adding the sugar slowly. Keep on stirring until the water comes to a boil. Before removing the heat, it is extremely important to check if the mixture has achieved the required concentration. Remove any dust particles from the water sugar mixture using filter paper.
Filter papers of all qualities can be purchased from the store. However, you should choose the more expensive one to ensure complete removal of dust particles. Do not remove the mixture and continue to stir until the mixture comes to a rolling boil.
Maple syrup can also be bought easily from your local grocery store. Pour the syrup slowly into the sugar water mixture and allow it to cool down. If you are short of time then you can consider placing the mixture container into the freezer.