How to Make Mini Pizzas in a Muffin Pan

Italy has a great food heritage and offers some of the most loved dishes in the world. Pizzas are right on the top of that list and are a favorite of hundreds of millions of people across the globe. There are many ways in which these can be made and it adds to their appeal.

If you are looking to do something different and want to bake pizzas that are of small size, it is entirely possible. All you need are some ingredients and a muffin pan and you are all set to make your mini pizzas. These can be great for day time snacking and even for lunch.

Prep time: 10 min
Baking time: 12 min
Total time: 22 min
Yield: 2 people
Utensils: Muffin pan with six slots

Pizza Dough: 1/2 pound
Mozzarella Cheese (grated): 4 oz
Chicken Chunks: 1 cup
Olive Oil: 2 tsp
Tomato: 1 sliced
Mushrooms: 4 sliced


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    Preheat the Oven

    Before you start the preparation, pre-heat your oven at 450 degrees F. This is important as without a preheated oven, cooking will be improper.

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    Oil the Muffin Tray

    Oil each slot in the muffin tray with a little bit of olive oil. Make sure that you spread it to all part of the tray so that the pizzas do not get stuck onto the tray.

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    The Dough

    The first thing that you need to put in the muffin tray is the dough. Take dough as per the size of the pans and place it at the base of each slot. Make sure that the dough also covers the walls of the muffin pan.

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    Add Cheese

    Next up, add some mozzarella cheese on top of the dough. You can put little now and save some for the end.

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    Add Tomato and Mushrooms

    The next step is to add small chunks of tomato and mushrooms to the pizzas in progress. This will add juiciness to your snacks along with some color.

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    Add Chicken

    Add some chicken chunks on to the pans. This will add the meaty flavor to the mini pizzas. Just make sure that the chunks are not too large as it can overpower the taste.

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    Add More Cheese

    To keep everything intact, add some more cheese on the top. Once done, you are all set to bake your pizza.

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    The baking should be done for 12 minutes at 450 degrees F. Once the time is over, you can pull out the ready to eat mini pizzas.

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