How to Make Money without Any Investment

Making money is not an easy job at all, especially if you are not lucky enough to find a perfect jobor have your own family business to look after. Even if you do find a job, things can become difficult for you towards the end of the month, when you don’t have much left to spend.

As a result, it is ideal to look for alternative ways of making money. You don’t need to make any sort of investment for that purpose, but will require some clever thinking and hard work. You might find this to be a touch difficult at the start, but things will start getting smoother with the passage of time.

Things Required:

– eBay account
– PayPal account
– Computer
– Internet


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    Look for unused stuff in your house

    There are plenty of things one buys just for the sake of fun and when the purpose is served, such items are thrown inside the closet and remain there for the rest of one’s life. You need to find such things and look to sell them out to make money. They will not give you the real value you bought them at, but it’s worth selling them, if they are no longer of any use to you. Such things might include a guitar, sports accessories, computer accessories, old furniture, clothes and a lot of other things. Collect all of them at one place and decide what price they should be sold at.

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    Register with eBay

    The next step would be to create an account with eBay. It is quite a simple process and will not cost you much time. Simply go to and click on the ‘register’ tab. You will be requested to provide some necessary information and once you do that, your account will be active. The best thing about eBay is that you won’t be asked to make any upfront payments.

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    Open a PayPal account

    Although this step is not compulsory, it is highly recommended that you open a PayPal account in order to give a sense of security to the buyers. If you don’t have an account there, you will attract lesser customers, thus there will be low chances of generating sales out of your used stuff.

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    Look for online jobs

    If you search the internet, you will find numerous online jobs, ranging from content writing to graphic designing. Choose the one you can do comfortably and earn cash at the end of the month without spending a single penny.

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