How to Make Natural Facial Toner

Toners are great for firming up skin, tightening pores, and keeping the complexion fresh, smooth, and young-looking. However, the manufactured varieties often tend to have chemicals which are used to make the toners effective. While these might work on certain levels, they can have several drawbacks too. To avoid these, natural, homemade facial toners can serve as great alternatives, which will benefit your skin without the side-effects of their store-bought counterparts.

Things Required:

– 1/2 cup witch hazel
– Chamomile tea
– A mug
– 1/4 cup lemon juice
– 5 drops vegetable glycerin
– 5 drops lavender essential oil
– 2 drops peppermint essential oil
– Small plastic bottle


  • 1

    Start by pouring water into a mug, and sliding this into the microwave to boil. Generally, this should take around 2 minutes on high, but if the water reaches a boil before the two minutes are up, simply turn the timer off and take the mug out of the microwave.

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    Next, steep the chamomile tea in this. You will need a strong brew, so steep the tea for around 20 minutes, and then allow it to cool a little. Chamomile is renowned for its soothing properties, and for the ability to relieve stress and tension. While it is usually drunk, the herb is great for your skin too.

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    Now pour the chamomile tea into the plastic bottle, and follow this up by pouring in all the other ingredients too – the witch hazel, the lemon juice, the glycerine, and the lavender and peppermint essential oils. Make sure the bottle you use for this purpose is clean, and odour-free. If you prefer lavender over peppermint, or vice versa, you can add in a few extra drops of your preferred fragrance.

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    After all the ingredients have been poured in, screw the cap onto the bottle tightly, grip it firmly in your hand, and shake it up, to mix all the ingredients together. Once they are all combined, your natural facial toner is ready.

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    When not in use, keep the cap screwed on tight, so that the toner does not evaporate. The tea will be warm when the toner is freshly made, so cool the toner until it reaches room temperature – then you can either store it or use it. To apply, just soak a cotton ball with the toner, and swipe it all over your face.

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