How to Make Natural Mood Enhancing Baths

There is nothing as refreshing and relaxing as a luxurious bath. But to make it more effective, take natural mood enhancing baths using your favourite scents, essential oils and other aromatherapy techniques. Since it will be a natural mood enhancing bath, it’s better to keep the scents natural, like dried floral petals, pine needles or other extracts and oils. Using volatile plant materials, such as essential oils, flower petals and other aromatic compounds to alter a person’s state of mind and mood is called aromatherapy.

Some wonderful household items that you can use in your mood enhancing bath include Vanilla extract, pine needles, peppermint, rosemary, lavender and chamomile. All these ingredients relieve stress and make you feel fresh and energetic.

Things Required:

– ¼ Cup of pure vanilla extract
– 1 handful of pine needles
– 1 pair of old panty hose
– 1 handful of rosemary
– 1 satchel/pantyhose
– Bath tub
– Candles (optional)
– Bath pillow (optional)


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    Vanilla extract bath

    Fill the bath tub with lukewarm water. Add ¼ cup of pure vanilla extract into the bath water and swirl to mix it well. Soak in the bathwater and let yourself relax. To make the soak more relaxing, you can use a bath pillow as well. Just place the bath pillow under your head, put your legs up on the tile and experience the mood enhancing feeling of the vanilla extract as the fragrance surrounds you. The scent of vanilla is refreshing and lifts the spirit. Allow yourself to relish the bathwater before coming out of the tub. Pat yourself dry with a soft towel, and apply some moisturiser to keep your body from drying and make it supple.

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    Pine needles bath

    Take a sachet bag and fill it with a handful of pine needles. If you don’t have a sachet bag, cut off the foot of a pair of pantyhose and use it to fill the pine needles. Hang the bag under the tap and let the pine hydrate under running water as you fill the bath tub. As the pine needles get hydrated, the scent will fill the area. Close your eyes, clear your head of all thoughts and relax.

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    Use flower petals

    You can also use rose or any other flower for petals. Fill a bag with the petals, tie it under the faucet and let the petals hydrate. Lie down in the tub and relax your body and mind in the bathwater.

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