How to Make New Shiny Hunting Bullets

Just about everyone needs a hobby to keep them busy. A hobby can be just about anything, however, the ultimate goal of any and all hobbies is to keep you busy and occupied, and to ensure that you don’t end up wasting your time. Should you be able to do your hobby properly, you are bound to go on and have a good time.

Now some people tend to go hunting, since they feel that hunting is something which relaxes them and gives them a slight edge over everyone else.

However, hunting can prove to be a little expensive, which is why you should look to save your money whenever you can.

Making your own bullets is one of these methods, since they help you save money, and ensure that you always have a good healthy supply of fresh bullets, which you can use whenever you wish to.


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    Before you go on and do anything, you need to first do your research and actually understand all the terms that are associated with bullet making. You need to learn how to cast a bullet, and you need to learn the difference between casting a bullet, and what a bullet jacket it.

    Jacketed bullets are amongst the more powerful bullets, so you should also pay attention to what separates them from normal bullets and makes them special.

    On the other hand, cast bullets are made for hand guns, and can't go as far as the other bullets, since they travel at lower velocities.

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    Now go ahead and acquire some lead wheel weights. These are easily available, but if you can't find them, then you might as well go out and buy them.

    Gather all the equipment, but since you are working with bullets, make sure that you have appropriate amounts of protection as well.

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    Now turn up the furnace to about a six, which is a medium high heat level. Allow the wheel weights to melt out and become liquid. Add some ingot to this, which is just blended alloy. Now give the two time to mix together. After the two have mixed, go ahead and pour the fluid into molds. Use protection since the fluid will be very hot.

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    Now allow the whole set of molds to dry. After they have dried out, get the mold and turn it upside down, now hammer out the bullets, but don't be too rough when trying to loosen them up. Use some wood to help with the process. Also avoid damaging the mold in the process.

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