How to Make Party Punch

Different types of drinks are used to make a party complete and party punch is among the most used drinks in this regard, especially in European countries. People love to have different types of drinks especially in summer and no party is complete without the serving of punch. This delicious drink, comprising a variety of fruit juices, delivers a great taste and makes people feel fresh.
Preparing the party punch is very simple and even a novice can do it by following a few basic steps. If you are throwing a party for your friends, then make sure you offer them punch – the drink will serve to rejuvenate all your guests, and will contribute to making your party successful.
In addition to being delicious, party punch is a nutritious drink which has no fats; every serving provides about 145 to 150 calories. One glass of party punch contains 33 mg sodium, 37 g total carbs and 1g dietary fibre. It is one of the best drinks because it has no fats and sugar, and thus it has numerous healthy benefits for people.
You can prepare the party punch easily by taking into account a few simple guidelines, and following a quick and easy method.
Prep time: 5 min
Total time: 15 min
Yield: 8 glasses
Utensils: Bowl, spoon, mixer, knife
Strawberry or cherry juice: 1 quart
Cherries or Strawberries: 1 bowl (or as you like)
Ginger ale: 1 litre
Pineapple juice: 2 regular cans
Ice: As required
Lemon slices (optional)
First of all, you need to take the pineapple and strawberry or cherry juice and pour it into a punch bowl. Mix these juices by stirring them with a spoon or stirring rod until these juices merge, and take on a single colour.
Now, take a knife and cut the strawberries or cherries into small pieces. Then add these pieces to the mixture of pineapple and strawberry or cherry juice that you have already prepared.
The pieces of cherries or strawberries should be of medium size because you cannot chew very small pieces or very large pieces while drinking the party punch.
After adding these cherry or strawberry pieces to the blended juice, you should add ginger ale along with ice. Then stir it thoroughly to mix the ginger ale. Leave it for almost 5 to 10 minutes, after which this delicious party punch is ready to serve. Add lemon slices in the end if you like, to increase the freshness of the beverage.