How to Make Passport Photos on your Computer

Most people will go to a photo studio if they need photos for their passport application. But you can make passport photos yourself as well using a computer and a digital camera. Making your own passport photos will not only save you some money but will also allow you to choose from a number of photos. This guide will tell you exactly how you can do that with ease.


  • 1

    Get hold of a digital camera. If you do not take too many photos in daily life, you may not have a digital camera. You can either purchase one from the market or borrow one from a friend. The better option is to purchase the camera. Although you will have to bear a one time cost but in the long run, owning a digital camera can save you a lot of money. Considering the fact that digital cameras are quite inexpensive these days, purchasing one will make a good investment.

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  • 2

    Using the digital camera, take a picture of yourself. If you are a US citizen, the background of your passport photo must be white. If you think that you can not take your own picture, ask a friend to do it for you. Take a number of photos until you come up with the right one. After all, the medium you are using to store your photos is digital and is not going to cost extra if you take more than one photo.

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    Connect the camera to a computer using the data cable which came along with the camera. Copy the photos from the camera’s memory card to your computer’s hard drive. Give the photos a close look and select one that you think is the best to appear on your passport. It will be easier for you to make a choice if you are browsing through the photos on a computer screen rather than the digital camera screen.

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    Before your photo can appear on your passport, it must meet some basic requirements that vary from country to country. One of the basic requirement is the size of the photo. In most countries, the size of passport photo has to be 2 x 2 inches (51 x 51 mm). Resize the photo of your choice to make it passport size and save the digital copy on your computer’s hard drive.

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    If you have a coloured printer at your disposal, print your photo on photo quality paper. In case you do not have a coloured printer, you can get the photos printed from a local store.

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