How to Make Photos Look Funny

Taking photos are a great way to capture  memories. However, you can create it even more memorable if you add humorous touches. There are several ways you can make a photo look funnier. You can do it by simply applying a marker or drawing anything on it. Besides these, you can alter the photos more accurately using software such as Photoshop or other photo editing tools. With following some simple tips, you can easily make your pictures into a laughter stock.

Things Required:

– Photos
– Cotton Swabs
– Damp sponge
– Permanent markers
– Photo enhancing computer programme
– Stickers


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    Show your creativity with markers

    Get a printed photo and show your marker applying skills. Remember to press lightly as it might get blur. The marker will not be applied properly on the picture’s glossy finish in case you press it harder. Some ideas include apply big ears, making moustache, googly eyes or a hat. You can also make sunglasses on your pet.

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    Use water and cotton swab

    You can apply water and cotton swab technique on your photograph. First apply a damp sponge and after the photo soaks for a second, you need apply cotton swab on the area you want to wipe out. Carefully apply the cotton swab as water diminishes the photo finish. By this you can remove heads of people in a photo and draw alien heads instead.

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    Apply stickers

    You can always use stickers and paste them on the photograph. You can place a ladybug or insect sticker inside someone’s mouth. You can even paste an animal’s face sticker on the face of your friend. Besides these, you can create your own sticker with sticker paper or carve out a sticker from mailing labels.

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    You can always use Photoshop to edit your digital photo and to make it funny. Simply select tools in the toolbar or use paint bucket tool to colour someone’s face. Besides these, you can draw anything and adjust colour and exposure levels.

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    Photo programmes

    You can use different photo altering programmes from the internet and apply it on your digital photo. You can also use different photo editing tools in your mobile and make the photos funnier.

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