How to Make Pineapple Fried Rice

If you are looking to prepare pineapple fried rice at home you will be glad to know that the steps involved are extremely easy. Many people like Asian food because it is healthy and delicious. All the ingredients required to make pineapple fried rice can be easily purchased from your local grocery store or super market. You will also be required to prepare some ingredients on your own to achieve the desired texture and taste. Since most of the vegetables and ingredients need to be  finely diced, you might consider getting a pair of scissors or a sharp knife to prepare the ingredients for your pineapple fried rice.

Prep time: 30 – 40 min
Cook time: 40 – 50 min
Total time: 1 hr 30 min
Yield: 4 – 5 servings
Utensils: Bowl, knife, pair of scissors, can opener

Heaped plate of cooked white rice: 1000 gm
Pineapple chunks: 1 small tin
Chicken breasts, cut into strips: 2
Handful of crushed cashew nuts
Lemon grass: 1 stalk
Spring onions, chopped: 1/4 cup
Chopped coriander: 1/4 cup
Garlic: 2 cloves
Ginger: 1 wedge
Egg: 1
Soy sauce, sesame oil: as per your liking
Chilli sauce: 1 dash


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    Before doing anything else you will need to make sure that you have what it takes to successfully prepare pineapple fried rice at home. If this is the first time you are cooking then you will need to be extra careful when cutting the vegetables and other ingredients. You might also consider asking a more experienced cook to help you.

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    Now, cut the chicken breasts into strips, and dice the ginger and garlic into small pieces. Put some olive oil in a frying pan and stir fry the garlic and ginger until they achieve a light brown colour. Mix in some minced lemon grass stalk and stir the ingredients thoroughly. Add in the chicken strips and stir fry until they are cooked. Finally, add a splash of soy sauce for enhanced taste and colour.

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    Next, add boiled rice to the mixture and continue to stir. Break up the rice and use the stirrer to create a well in the middle of the rice so you can see the bottom of the pan. Now, crack an egg into the well, and stir carefully with a pair of Chinese chopsticks. Slowly mix it with the rice as it cooks; then, allow the egg to absorb into the rice thoroughly by giving it a good mix.

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    Once the egg is fully cooked, add pineapple chunks (large or small) to the mixture. Garnish the rice with chopped spring onions and cashew nuts. You may also choose to add some salt and pepper, and a dash of sesame oil and chilli sauce. Remove the mixture after turning off the heat, take it out onto a large platter, and serve to your guests.

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