How to Make Roman Blinds Step by Step

Roman blinds add great value to the interior of your house. You can easily create customized Roman blinds for your windows by using some specialized tools and equipment.

Things Required:

– 2.5cm-square wooden batten the width of the blind
– Length of self-adhesive hook and sew-on loop fastener the width of the batten
– Main fabric (we used Gabrielle Lavender, ref 3274/805/CU, £60 a meter, Prestigious Textiles)
– Border fabric (we used Mojo, ref LF053C/22, col Lilac, £33.90 a meter, Linwood)
– Lining fabric
– Matching thread
– Lengths of narrow wooden dowelling, the width of the finished blind minus 3cm
– 12mm plastic rings
– 4 screw-in eyelets
– Wooden acorn
– 3 lengths of cord, each the width of the finished blind plus twice the length
– Wall cleat


  • 1

    First of all, you have to fix the wooden batten which is given inside the window under the frame. Just take the self-adhesive hook fastener and press it into the front of the batten.

  • 2

    Take all the measurements of your window. Start taking measurement from the top of the batten. After that, determine the length of the borders. Add around two and a half centimeter to the measurement of the length of the batten. Now, cut your border and the lining fabric according to the measurements. It is very important to take all the measurements correctly to make proper Roman blinds for your windows. Therefore, you must verify all the measurements at least twice.

  • 3

    Now, you have to stitch the border to the lower corner of the fabric after taking around 2.5 cm seam. After stitching, just trim the seam with the help of scissors. Lay down the main fabric on a plain surface and stitch the corners. Take 2.5 cm seam and stitch the bottom corners. You will have to stitch a second line in order to make a dowel pocket. To make the pleats, take the measurement from the top of blind with the help of a pen or pencil and cut it accordingly to stitch.

  • 4

    You will need some extra fabric to make the pockets so as to hold the dowels on the pleats. Make sure that you stitch them properly after taking the right measurements. While stitching the fabric, keep the pockets in the center.

  • 5

    To make the hem on the top, just turn the corners around and line the fabric back on the blind. In the end, just stitch the sew-on loop fastener and screw the eyelets.

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