How to Make Shirley Temple from 7up

Shirley Temple  is very famous among little girls and party goers. In some cases, grenadines may have alcohol in them so it is extremely important to check for that before you can serve it to the children. Let the kinds join in the fun on special occasions. They will definitely love this real juice; also an alternative to a mimosa.

The ingredients used to prepare Shirley Temple from 7up can be easily obtained from any super market. 7up, cherries, ice cubes and grenadine syrup are the basic requirements for preparing this heavenly drink. In addition to being very tasty, Shirley Temple is healthy and good for the stomach. The flavours can also be changed by using a topping of some other refreshing fruit.

All one needs to do to make Shirley Temple from 7up is take a glass and fill it with seven up. Add some grenadine syrup to it and mix it thoroughly. Top it up with a red maraschino cherry and oranges and serve to the guests.

8 ounces 7UP®

1 ounce Rose’s® Grenadine Syrup

Ice cubes




ROSE’S and ROSE’S COCKTAIL INFUSIONS are registered trademarks of Cadbury Ireland Ltd. Used under license. 7UP, CANADA DRY and HAWAIIAN PUNCH are registered trademarks of Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc. ©2012 Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc.

Shirley Temple from 7up is extremely easy to prepare as it hardly requires 5 minutes to make. Once you have done making the grenadine syrup, rest of the process is a piece of cake.


  • 1

    Put ice into the glass

    Take a glass and put ice cubes in it. Ice cubes can be obtained from any local grocery shop or the nearest super market. For those who do not want to use ice cubes, they could consider keeping the Shirley Temple in the fridge for at least 30 minutes before serving.

  • 2

    Add run and cranberry juice

    After putting ice cubes to the glass, get rum and cranberry juice and pour them into the glass. It is important to make sure the cranberry juice is fresh because if it is not it may ruin the taste of the final product.

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    Fill up the glass with 7up

    After adding rum and cranberry juice, fill the glass with 7up right to the top.

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    Garnish it with orange and cherries

    Cut cherries and oranges into fine pieces and garnish the glass with them.

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    Serve to the guest

    serve to the guests immediately.

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