How to Make Soap at Home

Making soaps at home is not only fun; in fact you can also use them to gift them to your loved ones. The experience is absolutely unique and several people tend to make oils, lotions and soaps at home. The total time to make soaps is two days. This includes each and every step that will be involved in making the soap as per your needs. A few products in the soap are caustic; therefore, this activity should be done by adults or at least under the supervision of adults.

Things Required:

3 lbs. lard
1 lb. olive oil
32 oz. water
1.5 oz. fragrance
1 oz. colouring dye (optional)
1 lb. coconut oil
11.2 oz. lye
Stick blender
Accurate weighing scale
A stainless steel or enamelled pot
Thick apron
1 plastic container (preferably with lid)
Plastic or stainless steel spoon
Plastic moulds
1 oz. colouring dye
Rubber gloves
11.2 oz. of lye
3 lbs. lard
1 plastic container, with lid
Rubber gloves
Stainless steel or enamelled pot
Plastic Moulds
32 oz. of water


  • 1

    First things first, get hold of each and every single ingredient which has been mentioned under the “Things Required” section in the description section. All these ingredients are necessary for making the soap and you cannot miss out any single one of them.

  • 2

    Once the ingredients are there, it is time for you to gather all the equipment which has been mentioned under the “Things Required” section in the description.

  • 3

    Lastly, grab yourself a safety gear since you don’t want burn marks on your skin after you are done.

  • 4

    Once you have everything, arrange it as per your needs and wear the rubber gloves and safety goggles. Lye is an alkaline solution which is extremely dangerous and can cause burn marks, so be careful while handling it.

  • 5

    Start off by putting a plastic container on top of a weighing scale.

  • 6

    Put water in the container and mix up lye with it. The ratio between lye and water should be 1:3, with 1 being lye and 3 being water. Always add lye to water and not the other way round. Try to mix the two in open air because lye emits a lot of heat once it is put inside water.

  • 7

    Let lye cool down, this will take two to three hours.

  • 8

    Measure the lards and oil and then pour them inside an enamelled container.

  • 9

    Heat the container until a uniform mixture is formed.

  • 10

    Stir gently and put thermometer in it to check whether the temperature has reached 120-130 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • 11

    Now add the lye mixture into the container and use a spoon to stir it.

  • 12

    Wait till the liquid starts to change its texture.

  • 13

    Take a bit of fragrance into the mixture and stir it with a blender and spoon.

  • 14

    Add only 1 Oz of colouring dye if you want your soap to be of a specific colour. Use the blender to mix the colour.

  • 15

    Once completed, pour the mixture into a plastic mould.

  • 16

    Wait for a day for the mixture to cool down.

  • 17

    Remove the soap bars from the moulds.

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