How to Make Soap Cigar Bands

Soap cigar bands are classy and you can make them yourself easily. The cigar bands are usually found in luxury hotels and many people wish that they could have the same in their baths as well. You just need to some research on the design by having a look at some old soap cigar bands so that you have a clear idea of what you are doing. Then replicate the design you want in Microsoft Publisher and set your desired logo and text to match it. When you feel that the design is perfect, get the prints.


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    Do some research on the design

    First of all, do some research on the information you would like to put on the cigar brands. Brainstorm on the logo of the brand and try to determine the text you would like to add on the cigar bands. The text may also include the story of your brand or the ingredients of the soap.

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    Use Microsoft Publisher

    Make a new file in Microsoft Publisher and chose the layout you would want for your cigar band. There are many options in the templates section and you can choose whichever you want for your case. You have to set the margins of the file you are working on and also the grid guidelines. This will help in setting the right graphics for your document.

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    Add the logo and text

    This is probably the most important step in making a soap cigar band. This includes pasting the logo on your file and adding the text you have worked on. You can also resize the logo and change the font of the text as per your requirement. This is extremely important as the design of the soap cigar band is vital. The placement of the logo and the right text is crucial in designing.

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    Get the prints

    Once you have finalised the document and have rechecked the information thorough, you can get the prints. Make sure you get more than one copies of a logo and information on a single page and then cut the bands into sections. This will save time and money. Finally, wrap the soap with the cigar band and apply glue to it.

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