How To Make Sweet and Spicy Chicken and Bacon Appetizers

Sweet and spicy chicken and bacon appetizers are one of the most liked appetizers in parties and picnics. The boneless chicken breasts are perfectly blended with sweet and spices which create mouth watering desire to eat.

If you are planning to make sweet and spicy chicken, you can follow the given steps.

Prep time: 30 min
Bake time: 25 min
Total time: 55 min
Yield: 12-15 servings
Utensils: Bowl, saucepan, spoons, knife, pot and serving plates

Boneless, skinless chicken breasts: 4
Dark brown sugar, firmly packed: 1/3 cup
Sliced bacon: 1/2 lb.
Chilli powder: 2 tbsp.
Baking sheet
Mixing bowl
Wooden toothpicks


  • 1

    First of all, you have to preheat the oven up to 375 degrees.

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    Take a knife and slice the boneless chicken breasts into one inch chunks. Furthermore, cut the bacon into 3 pieces per slice, horizontally.

  • 3

    Take a bowl and put brown sugar into it. Now, add chilli powder in the sugar and mix them well.

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    Then, you have to take a small slice of bacon and wrap each piece of the boneless chicken with it. In order to secure the bacon, insert a wooden toothpick into it.

  • 5

    After wrapping all the chicken with the bacon slices, drop each one of them into the bowl in which you mixed sugar and chilli. Roll the chicken well so that it is covered by the mixture. After rolling, move the chicken to the baking sheet.

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    Now, you have to carefully place the baking sheet with chicken in the oven. Cook the chicken for around 15 minutes and take it out. Then, turn each piece around and cook for another 10 minutes.

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    After cooking, take the pieces out of the oven and let it cool down.

  • 8

    Your sweet and spicy chicken and bacon appetizers are ready now. You can serve them before your meal.

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