How to Make Thumbnails From Your Photos

What to do with thousands of photos stored on your home computer? Even the pictures in folders are spread out in a way that it sometimes becomes difficult to find the photo you want because the standard file names can be of little help.

Browsing folders with photos as thumbnails (small versions of the images) is much easier to work with your collection. Thumbnails are miniature display of photos, videos and pages of documents in folders on your computer. The downside of this procedure is that it can make a difficult job on a weak computer.


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    In Windows Vista, page thumbnails are displayed as icons. They work on the principle that if you can make a sketch. The sketch will be displayed unless the settings are not turned off to display icons.

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    To enable the display of thumbnails, open the "Control Panel" and navigate to the category of "Appearance and Personalization". Select "Folder Options." In the given window, go to the "View". Check the box for the item "Always show icons, never thumbnails." If you want to display the thumbnail icon of a particular file type, check the box for the item "Display file icons on the sketches." Click the "Apply" button and «OK» to save the changes made.

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    Next go to the category "Control Panel," "System and Security". Enter the sub-category "System" and click on the link "Advanced system settings" in the left sidebar. In the new window, switch to "Advanced" tab and click the "Options" section for "Performance". Go to the tab "Visual Effects" and check the box for the item "Show thumbnails instead of icons." Click "Apply" and close the Preferences window by pressing «OK». Now Windows will try to display thumbnails when viewing a folder.

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    To turn off the display of thumbnails and to improve the speed of the computer, remove the check mark from the items described in the previous steps.

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    To adjust the size and type of the thumbnail display, go to the folder you want. Click on the icon with the image of icons and lines of text in the upper right corner of the "Explorer" under the search box. Click "Edit View" and select the most convenient option among all.

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