How to Make Trees for a Gingerbread House

Making trees for a Gingerbread house is not as hard as some of you may think. You will be required to follow some simple tips and techniques to perform this task at home.

Creating a gingerbread house and its trees requires hard work, determination and dedication but if you have what it takes to get this job done at home, you will be glad to know that the rewards are also significant. Children are bound to love the green trees inside the gingerbread house. Remember that without appropriate decorations, the gingerbread house in incomplete. Although there are thousand ways to make a gingerbread house, you can make trees to make the drive look prettier.

Things Required:

– Box of crispy rice cereal
– Green food colouring
– Large plastic bag
– Marshmallows
– Heat resistant gloves


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    Before doing anything else, you will need to make sure that you have the skills and talent to make a gingerbread house at home. If you believe you will not be able to perform this task by yourself, you can ask your friends to help you make one.

    Next, choose the design for your gingerbread house. Although there are numerous available designs for gingerbread house, you should choose the one that best suits your needs. Whatever design you choose, until it is attractive and colourful, the children will love it.

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    Once you have finalised the design, consider purchasing all the required things for making your gingerbread house. Making trees for the house will require you to pay attention to details. It is recommended to make the trunk of the trees out of several sticks. These sticks can be glued together using royal icing. Make sure the trunks are firmly glued and they match  the house’s height.

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    Now follow the instructions to prepare crispy rice treats. Use a large amount of marshmallows to make the tops of the trees harder. This will allow your kids to play with the trees without breaking their structure.

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    Use green food colouring to achieve the desired colour for the trees. For those who want dark green shade in the leaves, mix small amount of brown food colouring in the green food colouring. Add the colours when the leaves are hot.

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    You can also make the trees look more beautiful by using decorative red applies. For best results, consider using red sprinkles. Place your trees on the drive.

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