Steps to Make Vanilla Fudge

You must have tried and loved chocolate fudge and maybe you think that is the only fudge you can make but there are some other types. Vanilla fudge is irresistibly sweet, light and very delicious. It turns out to be a perfect afternoon treat. It can be easily made by using some simple ingredients. Following step by step guide will add another delicious recipe to your menu.

Prep Time: Approximately 20 minutes.
Yield: 2 to 3 people.

Calories: 84
Fat: 1.2 g
Cholesterol: 3 mg


Sugar: 2 cups
Fresh sour cream: 1/2 cup
Corn syrup: 1/3 cup
Butter: 2 tablespoons
Salt: 1/4 teaspoon
Vanilla extract: 2 teaspoons
Chopped walnuts: 1/2 cup


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    Take some time before starting to thoroughly wash your hands and the entire work area that you will be using to prepare this delicious recipe. Make sure that you also wash or clean the utensils, ingredients and other items that will be used to put his fudge together. Always keep your work area in the kitchen clean and free of any clutter so that you can easily find what you are looking for while putting a recipe together.

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    Take a sauce pan and mix, salt, butter, corn syrup, sugar and sour cream and cook them well until sugar is dissolved in the mixture. Be sure to take your time as you do not want to burn the sugar. If you want the fudge to be a little less sweet then you can always reduce the amount of corn syrup and sugar that you use in this mixture. Remember it is entirely up to you as to how sweet you want this recipe to turn out. By reducing the sugar or corn syrup will not have a dramatic impact on the overall taste or flavour of this exciting recipe.

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    Once the sugar is dissolved, cook the mixture for approximately 8 more minutes until temperature of the batter rises to very high.

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    Now remove the pan from the heat and cool it at room temperature. After it is all set mix vanilla extract in using a beater until it becomes very thick and glossy.

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    Add walnuts in the vanilla mixture prepared and mix them well. Now, take a pan, grease its base using some butter, pour the batter in to it and cool it down. After that cut small slices and serve. It is entirely up to you as to how you will want to serve and garnish this delightful vanilla fudge. Your friends and family members will definitely the love the rich smooth taste.

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