How to Make Your Kitchen Safe for Children

Kitchen is an attractive place for children as it contains food and cookies. However, it might also turn out to be the most dangerous spot in the house if you do not take safety steps. Small children are at risk of getting burnt, cut from sharp edges and electricity shocks in a kitchen. Most of these can be prevented by using common sense and designing things keeping the children in mind. Our step by step guide might be able to help in making your kitchen a safer place for children.
Children are curious creatures and that curiosity might make them want to turn on electric appliances or insert a finger in the switch. Cover the low level electric sockets with tamper proof tape so that the child can not insert anything. Self closing outlet covers are also available which slide shut when you are not using them. Keep electrical appliances like grinder out of reach.
Keep the child out during intensive cooking:
Imagine a point when you are carrying a pot of boiling water and your child starts playing with your legs. There is every chance of a imbalance and an accident. Keep the child out when you are busy cooking hot items and cannot afford any distraction. Keep hot containers covered so that a child does not reach out to taste it. While cooking keep pot handles towards the wall so that you do not knock them over accidentally. Do not pass hot containers to children without cooling down like a glass of hot milk.
Children love to taste:
Keep ingredients detergents, bleach, chilly powder, pepper, vinegar, repellents and baking soda out of reach and sight. Children love to taste new stuff and this may cost you heavily.
The floor:
Keep a non slippery rug on the floor for preventing any slipping over of young children. If you do not want any rug over the tiles or the wood, make sure that any liquid spills are cleared immediately especially water. A child may step on it and slip on to the hard floor. Pick up broken china or any sharp substance immediately.
Treats :
If you want the treats to be accessible keep them on a place where a child can get it easily. If you do not want, then keep them locked and tell it to the children so that they do not try getting them. Do not keep treats like cookies on the table top or on the cutting stand. Children will want to get them and might just hurt themselves in the process. For example, a child might pull down a tablecloth in an effort to get the cookie jar on top and get things topping over his head. Some children might try climbing up to the cabinets. Train a child to ask you when he wants something and not attempt to get it himself.
Sharp utensils to be locked:
Your child should never be in reach of any sharp edged utensil like knife, peeler, screw driver or grater. He is at the risk of an injury if he gets his hands on them. Keep these utensils in a drawer that is above the arm level of the child.
Keep low level cabinets closed:
Whether it is a fridge cabinet or a cupboard, keep it closed when not using if it is low level. A child might want to play with a door and get his fingers stuck in it accidentally. Also, the cabinet might contain harmful items like sharp edged utensils or any food ingredient that might harm the child.
Match boxes and stove:
Children should be educated about the horrors of fire. Do not let match boxes and fire lighters lying around. Keep the stove level above reach and children should know that they need to call a parent if they want to turn it on.