How to Make Your Own Lip Plumper

You will easily find hundreds of products in the market that claim to make your lips appear plumper. However, the problem with most of these products is that many contain harsh chemicals whereas some are too expensive. Fortunately, it is very easy to make your own lip plumper using a few basic ingredients. Even though the effects of a homemade lip plumper might not last long, you are at liberty to use it as often as desired.

Things Required:

– Small airtight jar
– Coconut oil: 2 tsp
– Ground ginger: 1/8 tsp
– Ground cayenne pepper: 1/8 tsp
– Peppermint essential oil


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    Take a small air tight jar and add 1/8 tsp ground ginger, 1/8 tsp ground cayenne pepper and 2 tsp coconut oil to it. Although the aforesaid ingredients will have a stinging effect, they are necessary for dilating the blood vessels in your lips and thus making them look plump as well as give them a very nice colour.

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    To reduce the burning effect of cayenne and ginger, it will be wise to add 1 drop of peppermint essential oil to the contents of the air tight jar in which you added the rest of the ingredients. Peppermint essential oil is known for its cooling effect and will keep your lips from experiencing the burning effect. Thoroughly shake the jar until the ingredients inside it are properly mixed.

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    Be sure to keep the jar tightly sealed at all times. This is important because moisture in the air can effectively destroy the effect of the lip plumper. Same is the case with excessive temperatures which is why you would have to keep the bottle of lip plumper in a cool place.

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