How to Make Your Website Valuable

Your website is a symbol of your business or personal statement to the world. You want it to receive the most traffic than any other website. Also, you want your customers to keep returning to your website in the future. Most of us don’t realise that an effective website grows on original and useful content, but that is just the start of a long process. Choose an attractive design for your website, avoid excessive use of ads and upload content regularly to attract new visitors to make the website successful and valuable.


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    Creating a webpage is within reach for most people and therefore the competition is sky high. You should consider writing the best material for your website as it can give a hard time to the competitors. Content that cannot be found anywhere else on the internet can have a great effect on your website’s ranking. The visitors are also more likely to share and suggest your website with their friends and relatives if the content is original and to the point. You should also try and learn bookmarking and back linking techniques to help the website get better search engine results.

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    Always choose a very simple and basic theme so the website customers can easily access all the information. A good theme is the one that leaves no question as to where the customers need to go. Any web page on your website should be no more than one to two clicks away from the main page. It is advised to use a simple and effective category menu either on the top of the right hand side of the page. You should also consider using a widget that will display a search bar in the header to help the visitors search for articles/posts by name or titles.

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    Update your website as regularly as possible as this will leave a very good impression on the visitors. Any visitor who sees that your website has not been updated for a long period of time will get the impression you have stopped working on it and the website is no longer updated on a regular basis. There are chances that visitor will not look for any further information and leave the page without exploring.

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