How to Make Your YouTube Video Popular

YouTube holds the distinction of being the most popular video sharing website on the Internet today; it boasts a massive viewership that has reached millions now. Those who regularly upload videos to YouTube are often confronted with the most interesting question: how to make the video popular?
There are several ways to make your newly created video go viral, but the success of your video content will largely depend on your audience or industry.
Whether you want to make a video for commercial purpose, recreation, education or anything else, you will have to follow almost the same guidelines to make your content popular among visitors.
Make a homemade/casual video
You do not have to be a professional video maker to make a video that goes viral on YouTube. Make homemade, the most casual yet informative content, and people will definitely make your video go viral by telling others about it or posting it to their own websites, blogs, or social media platforms. Do not forget to make some amendments and adjustments after you have finished making the video. -
Keep it short
Make sure that the video you make should be longer than two to three minutes. If it is even less than two minutes - say 1:30 minutes - you can still interest people with the content. Long videos can often turn off the visitors, no matter how informative and interesting the content may be. -
Create a catchy title and clear description of the video
The title of your video is very important and it should be catchy enough to make people want to click open the video. Even if your content is not that amazing, you can still make a lot of people visit the video, with some of them share the video further. But, if the title sounds boring and unattractive, you might lose a large number of visitors that could have watched the video. With a boring title, you can taint the video easily (regardless of how good your content is).
Keep the description of the video as clear and precise as you can. -
Spice up the video with funny stuff (something interesting)
No matter on what subject you intend to make a video, you can attract visitors if it offers something interesting. You can add an interesting fact, incident, etc. -
Make a series of videos
Do not just make one video and expect that people will someway share it with thousands of other people. Unless you make a series of videos on the subject (whatever it is), you cannot win over visitors’ loyalty.