How to Manage Remote Employees

Managing remote employees can be a very tricky business for an employer as he will have to keep an eye out on every off the site employee in his list. Work done on part of the remote employees might not require a particular work ethic or a certain degree of professionalism. Although managing remote employees is not everyone’s cup of tea, it cannot be denied that in, many countries, remote employees constitute a big chunk of those countries’ per capita income. Furthermore, having employees in an off-shore branch also allows an organisation to save some much-needed money. Furthermore, the rate of remote employees has grown in another sense that companies offer remote employees a better balance between their daily lives and job life.
However, it can also be argued that due to lack of a ‘bossy presence’, remote employees get tired easily and run out of motivation which is a reason why many companies are still hesitant to hire remote employees. There are however, a few things that a company needs to look at in order to properly manage remote employees.
Remote working should be viewed by an organisation as a strategy. Therefore, chalking out clear procedural rules and guidelines is very important.
Despite not being in-house, remote employees should have all kinds of access channels to the management in order to make sure that the remoteness does not inhibit a timely operation.
A training course or orientation should be organised for newly-hired remote employees in order to guide them to the intricacies, pitfalls and benefits of working remotely.
There should be a fair assessment of the performances of remote employees in order to encourage them further.
In order to have a good assessment, achievable goals should be setup for the remote professional as it will help them have clarity in their achievement.
There needs to be total unambiguousness on the parameters of work quality which should be accepted by remote professionals at all levels.
If a remote professional is in direct contact with the client, it should be given a key assessment on it.
Technology has changed things quite a lot for this era. If a company has good infrastructure, it will easily be able to manage all its remote employees in a through fashion. Due to new means of communication, it is safe to say that nothing will be lost in the reading.
Having regular audio-visual meetings with a group of remote employees at the same time can also help in managing them and listening to their suggestions.