Steps to Manage your Heavy Schedules

Ability to properly manage your time helps to keep everything organised to avoid any future problems. You cannot add more hours in a given day but you can properly make and arrange your schedule. Most people think that this is a difficult task when in fact it is rather simple and easy to do.
No matter how busy you might be, managing your heavy schedule is the only way to stay on top of things. Sit down and make out a plan that will help you manage your time using some basic techniques to help.
Even though it seems like a daunting task to get yourself through a hectic schedule; but if you plan things out properly, nothing is impossible.
Time management is a branch of psychology, whose main task is to teach a person to separate the important things from the unimportant. Undoubtedly, it is becoming difficult to organise your time in a monotonous domestic or professional life. For example, once you have started something important, the phone rings and a friend is excited to tell you some big news or you start spending your time in social networking while your primary task was to compile an important email. Time management allows you to avoid such situations and maintain some much needed focus.
The main instrument of subordination of time is planning. Try to write down your thoughts or plans and hang them at any prominent area of your workplace or home. There is long-term and short-term planning. Long-term is a list of things you need to do in a week or two, short-term is something that needs to be implemented in a single day. First of all, decide your long-term plans. Think about what needs to be done this week. Write down what comes to your mind in a notebook. Think about purchasing any product or making a payment for the utility bills, etc. You will not forget to do anything after making a list of tasks for the week.
Sit and write down all the points, the task of choosing what to do first. In the to-do list for the day you can write something like cooking lessons, go to a clinic, teach your child, iron the clothes, read a book, make out a locker in the kitchen, etc. It is recommended to provide some sort of grading to all the tasks because this will tell remind you how important that work is. After completing each task, underline them. Try to determine how much time will be consumed while performing a particular task.