How to Manipulate People with Words

There will be times when the obstacle preventing you from achieving your goal or objective will be a person. Be they a friend, an acquaintance, a stranger, a government official, a police officer or any one at all. Using force is and always should remain the last resort. However, that does not mean that you will not have any weapons at your disposal. In fact, it is quite the opposite, as the human tongue is capable of great wonders when put to use in the right way.

One way is to use it to manipulate people into getting them to do what you want to do. There are a number of techniques one can use in order to achieve this goal. Some might consider it unethical, as it is a form of deception, however, we are pretty sure everyone will agree that there are situations where dropping the right hints and saying the right things will help make everyone’s lives a lot easier.


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    If you are dealing with a government official, then in most countries chances are that the process will be slow and involve a lot of red tape. Try and look for something common between yourself and the person. Maybe both of you are from the same locale or know someone there. Pick up on that and exploit it. Maybe a sports team or affiliation is common, use those and pretend as if you are on the same level with the person involved.

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    Another technique is to praise the person you are trying to manipulate. Comment on little things such as praising a skinny person for being stronger than he looks or a larger person on being nimble for his size. Things like this will make the other person more prone to agreeing or supporting you when your agenda comes up.

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    The third technique involves a good cop, bad cop routine with a mix of reverse psychology. Try and trick the person into thinking that he has to prove something to you and the only way to do so would be to complete the task you have requested or are going to ask for later on.

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