How to Match Colors in Paint

Being able to paint is something that is rather hard to do. In fact, it is one of the hardest things to do ever.

This is because it takes years of experiences and expert know how, before you can actually start performing as one of the best in the business.

However, even when that does happen, you still need to know a few ins and outs about painting, which could help make you even better than you already are.

One of the hardest things to do, is to match the paint colors. Not many people are able to do this, because it is an expert skill which requires precision and uninterrupted attention.


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    Now the first thing you need to do, in order to begin your journey to matching paint, is to clean an area that you wish to match paint with.

    A smart approach would be to clean the area, and make sure that there is no dirt or dust on it. This is very important, since any external material that is present, could significantly alter the whole outlook of the color that you are going to be applying.

    At the same time, you want to match the base color, not the color that it has taken after getting dirty.

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    Once you have cleaned out a specific area, the next step is for you to chip off a little bit of that area. You need to be careful while doing this, because you want a piece that is about two inches by two inches.

    At the same time, you don’t want to damage the wall. A safe way to do this is by using a blade, as you carefully carve out the area that you wish to remove with precision.

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    Match chip

    With the chipped piece in hand, you now need to make your way to a hardware/paint store. Nowadays, they tend to hand machines that can match the pigments in the piece that you place in them to scan. Should this happen, then the computer will identify just what color you need to paint with and will ask you to purchase that specific paint.

    After having gotten the paint assigned to you, you need to look for the various companies that make those paints, settle for the best one, and pay for the can of paint.

    Go home and apply the paint, as it perfectly matches what you have done.

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