How to Measure Air Pollution for a Science Fair Project

Pollution is one among the major problems of today’s world and air pollution is one root cause of many environmental issues. There are many disadvantages of air pollution but many people do not understand its adverse effects on the environment and the living things unless they do not see it physically. Therefore, your science fair project is your opportunity to play your role towards the improvement of our environment and to let others know about the impact of air pollution on living things.

This project will help those people to recognize the fact that how much of dirt, toxic gases and invisible dust particles they are breathing into their lungs every day. Smoke, chemical burns, chemical gases released from factories, fumes from sprays and paint, smoke of vehicles, carbon monoxide from wildfires and acid rain are some of the major sources of air pollution. All these toxic sources are a part of our air in the form of tiny and invisible particles. Air pollution can lead to some major health issue like, heart problems, breathing problems, lungs cancer etc.

This simple guide of step by step contains very easy experiment to measure the ratio of air pollution that can spark awareness among people so that they will play their role in eliminating or at least decreasing as much air pollution as they can.

Things you will need to conduct this experiment:

– White posterboard
– Scissors
– Vaseline
– String
– Hole punch
– Magnifying glass
– Permanent black marker
– Journal or notebook
– Ruler


  • 1

    Cut the White Posterboard

    First of all pick a large white posterboard and cut it into several medium size squares. You can use a medium sharp scissor for this purpose.

  • 2

    Draw Perfect Squares

    Take a marker or pen along with ruler and carefully draw a perfect square on each of the cut outs of the posterboard. Make sure that the drawn squares on the posterboard cut outs are a little smaller than the overall square itself.

  • 3

    Punch Holes in the Squares

    Grab a punching machine and carefully punch a hole right at the top of each posterboard cut outs.

  • 4

    Cut the String

    Now, take a long string and cut it into several medium size pieces.

  • 5

    Tie Pieces of String in the Holes

    Insert the end of the pieces of string into the holes of the posterboard cut outs and tie them thoroughly.

  • 6

    Choose Right Place for the Experiment

    Now, you have to finalize an area where you can hand the pieces of the posterboard. You can choose the internal area of your home for this purpose in case if you really want o find out about the proportion of dust particles in the air of your house. On the other hand, you can consider an open air area like your lawn or garden for the purpose of finding out about the ratio of dust particle in the air.

  • 7

    Apply Thin Layer of Vaseline to the Squares

    Pick up the posterboard’s pieces one by one and apply a thin layer of Vaseline inside the drawn square. Vaseline is good at attracting the tiny dust particle from the air.

  • 8

    Hang the Pieces of the Posterboard

    Hang these glue applied posterboard cut outs within your selected area.

  • 9

    Leave it for One Week

    Leave the hanging posterboard cut outs for around one week.

  • 10


    Inspect the posterboard cut outs at the end of seventh day and find out about the number of dust particles sticked to them. You can use a magnifying glass for this purpose as the dust particles are too tiny to be seen with necked eye. Count the number of dust particles carefully stuck to the Vaseline in each square and note them down on a note book. Use the number of dust particles sticked to the squares as a proof of air pollution.

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