Melting Fondue Chocolate

Chocolate is one of the most common but delicious treat in dessert family. With chocolate people enjoy most of their parties and it is also being used on various occasions like Christmas etc. So, many people think that without having chocolate, their fondness for having desserts remained incomplete. So, chocolate is one of the most delicious elements for having fun along with a rich taste.

Furthermore, peopled also melt chocolate in order to use it in various dishes in desserts. They use it for topping on cakes etc, which makes it quite valuable. But melting a fondue chocolate is something people feel difficult and it is because they do not know how to do it.

However, if you are also one of those people who want to melt fondue chocolate but do not know how to do it properly, you need not to worry anymore. By taking the help from this easy to follow recipe, you can melt fondue chocolate in an easy and simple way. This simple recipe makes it quite comfortable for anyone who wants to melt fondue chocolate.

You just need to consume a few minutes on the simple steps presented in this simple recipe and you will get maximum results even in your first try.

Preparation Time: 3-5 minutes
Ready in: 13-16 minutes
Things Required: Fondue Pot, Double Boiler, stove


– Chocolate (according to you need)
– Milk (according to the quantity of chocolate)
– Cream (as per your liking)
– Water


  • 1

    At first, you need to break or cut chocolate into small pieces so that they could be melted easily.

  • 2

    Then put all of these pieces into the fondue pot for melting.

  • 3

    If you want to melt chocolate with cream and milk, then take these ingredients according to the quantity of chocolate or according to your own linking.

  • 4

    If you do not want to melt chocolate with milk and cream, then take a second pot and fill it with water.

  • 5

    Now put the chocolate pieces in the water and put it on stove. Make sure to turn the stove on low simmer that does not create too much heat.

  • 6

    Now, take the fondue pot (filled with milk, cream and butter) and place it on a stove with low flame.

  • 7

    Then shake or stir the chocolate for almost 10-12 minutes until the chocolate gets melted.

  • 8

    Remove it from the stove, separate it from pot and enjoy it with anything you like.

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