How to Motivate Hourly Employees

Much is written on the importance of motivating the leading team members for the business development but hardly any one commended the role of lower ranked staff members. These workers, who are also known as hourly employees, have pivotal role in the progress of any organisation.

Though, they do not set the direction of the ship but there is no doubt that they do play a vital role in building the pace. Without them, no industry can survive as they are the foundation of any business empire.

This proves that motivating the hourly employees is very important for growth of the business. Mostly, people think that one needs to deliver inspirational speeches to pump them up but if you take care of few simple things then you can hit the mark with great ease.


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    You should lead from the front as crew members always look up to captain of the ship. It won’t yield favourable results if you are just giving them orders and yelling at them to meet the targets in given time. It is better to come at their level, talk to them and give them the impression that you value their services.

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    Try to make them happy as it will really motivate them to put out their best. You do not need to give them significant raise every month rather you can create a sense of satisfaction by doing just simple things such as health care, child care, free food etc.

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    Go for trickle down policy which means to ensure their share in the success. It will arouse a sense of ownership in them and they will leave no stone unturned to make your business venture successful.

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    Respect their right to choose the task and let them do it in their own way. All you need is to ensure the required result. Moreover, encourage your workers to voice the complaints as it will establish an accountability culture in the organisation.

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    Set monthly, weekly or daily targets for every employee and announce incentives for meeting the targets. You should give them the reward of their choice.

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    Show gratitude and be courteous to them. Appreciate them on completion of job this will boost their morale.

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    Encourage them to give suggestions and provide feedback about all the aspects of your organisation.

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    Be honest and true to them. Do not play games rather tell them straight away if there is any problem. Prepare them in advance if you think there will be any inconvenience.

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