How to Motivate People to Lose Weight

Could have started off with saying weight loss is very easy and just take this pill, follow that diet or buy that particular exercise machine and you could get the body that you always wanted. But the truth of the matter is. It is not easy to lose weight. It is one of the hardest things to do especially if motivation is lacking. Convincing someone to lose weight is hard work, as there will always be the risk of hurting their feelings and upsetting them with your constant nagging. If you really want to help and motivate someone to lose weight then don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk with them.


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    The best motivation that one can give is an incentive to lose weight. Something that he/she wants badly and will only get when he sheds a couple of pounds. This will keep the person motivated to stick to the exercise and diet plan. This incentive could be a new gadget, fitting into an expensive dress or a weekend getaway for two.

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    Get across the point:

    Make the person that you want to motivate that it’s not just about looking good. Obesity and being overweight is harmful to your health. It’s not just about good looks and physical appearance. These careless eating habits can lead to heart disease, diabetes and other major health problems in the future.

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    Join them:

    Don’t just tell them to follow this diet or eat low calorie non fatty foods, but eat it with them. Don’t tell them to go for a brisk walk every evening and do gym for two hours. Do it with them. Exercise and a healthy diet never hurt anyone. You won’t be just doing good for your friend, but yourself too. A fast walk in the park with a friend and you won’t even notice the time go by.

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    Compliment them:

    Words can do wonders. Compliment them on their hard work and determination. Notice and tell them that how much better their clothes are fitting and encourage them to continue with the hard work. And celebrate every pound lost. These encouragements and compliments will keep the person determined and the energy level high.

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    Help them become flexible:

    Things do come up when least expected, you may have to miss gym one day, you may eat out and indulge in a fatty meal. But these hurdles have to be faced. The trick is to become flexible. If you can’t go on a 40 min walk then how about a 10 min walk? Doing something is better than nothing. This small stuff also works and isn’t useful. Just keep up the routine.

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