How to Move Around While Making a Speech

In order to make your speech effective, one should give attention to a few things that are considered a must. People often hesitate or feel shy while standing in front of the audience and it becomes worse when they have to actually speak something to them. In some cases, it is often observed that due to the lack of confidence, individuals just keep standing at their places and go back to their places after a prolonged speech.
Standing still in front of the crowd and uttering words without any body movement, forces the crowd to lose attention. No matter how hard they try, but majority of the crowd loses interest because of this problem. Remember that, your speech will only be effective if people pay full attention to your speech. Thus, it is very important to use gestures and smile at the audience otherwise they will get bored of watching you standing still in front of them. Some do that by bringing a variety in the pitch of their voice while others give more attention to the use of body movements in sustaining the attention of the audience.
You should practise hard and form your speech in such a way that it allows you to take maximum benefit of gestures. You should look natural while using gestures otherwise it would give a negative impact on the audience. Therefore, you should practise hard in front of the mirror before facing the crowd.
Before going to the rostrum, you should relax your arms and legs and keep yourself calm.
You should stand in a proper manner while delivering your speech. Remember that, keep your legs or hands crossed will add to your problems and you will be unable to make proper use of gestures.
Embed phrases like ‘in the meantime’, ‘on the other hand’ or ‘nevertheless’ so you could use your gestures. You should also assign numbering to some topics as this proves fruitful.
There should be a strong coordination between your speech and body movement. It is advised that speakers should move a little further from their places just before they are about to say something.
Remember that, you do not need to walk around the full stage and your movements should be limited to a specific area. Choose a couple of areas and moved towards and away from them as suitable.