How to Move the Luggage Rack on a Ford Expedition

Two long rails running the length of the roof of a Ford Expedition and two cross bar which run sideways comprise the luggage rack on the Expedition. If for some reason, you want to change the position of the luggage rack, rest assured that the task is very simple and you should be able to complete it no more than 10 to 15 minutes. However, it is something that you can not accomplish alone which means you will have to ask a friend to help you out. Here is how to move the luggage rack on a Ford Expedition.
Place two stepladders close to the Expedition, one ladder on each side. Make sure that the ladders are placed on firm ground and the distance between the ladders and the Expedition is kept as less as possible.
Climb one of the stepladders and ask your friend who will be helping you out to climb the other one. Both of you should position yourselves such that accessing the rear crossbar at your respective ends should not be too much of a problem.
There will be a knob on either side of the rear crossbar. Turn that knob anticlockwise in order to loosen it. Ask your friend to do the same on his end of the crossbar.
You can now adjust the position of the luggage rack by sliding the two roof rails forward or backward. Make the desired adjustment to the bed rail on your side of the vehicle and ask your friend to do the same. Continue until the luggage rack has been moved to your desired location.
Tighten the knob that you loosened Step 3. Make sure that your friend also tightens the knob at his end of the rear crossbar.
Relocate the stepladders so that you can access the front crossbar of the luggage rack. Repeat Steps 3, 4, 5 and 6 with the front crossbar. When you are done working with the front crossbar, the task of moving the luggage rack on your Ford Expedition has been successfully accomplished.