How to Obtain a Copy of your Credit Report

There are many things that one must keep an eye on in order to have a good credit score. Often people work very hard to make sure that they make their payments on time and do not make any mistakes which can have an adverse effects on their credit scores.

However, often people overlook one of the easiest and most important tools for keeping track of their performance, which is the credit report. Every individual is entitled to one free credit report each year. Unlike an inquiry that is made by financial service providers, it is not a soft inquiry and will not cost you any points on your credit score. Getting one is quite easy and there are a number of ways in which one can be obtained.


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    Credit Unions

    There are three major credit unions which can offer you the report in general including Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. All these are now offering the details with a single solution with the help of Unlike the way it was in the past, you can now get the information from any of these credit unions from the same place.

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    Ordering it online only takes a few minutes. Go to the website to get your credit report. All three of the above mentioned credit unions work in partnership with this website. There will be some information that you will need to provide in order to confirm that you are the right person indeed. You have to answer five simple questions regarding your previous financial transactions and addresses to confirm the identity. You can then receive your credit report online.

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    Over the Phone

    This is also a fairly simple process. Call 1-877-322-8228 and talk to an agent. Request a copy from each of the three credit unions. A simple verification process will take place and you should then receive the report in about three weeks time from when you made the request.

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    By Mail

    This is the traditional method for getting your credit report, but this too is done through Fill in the form that is available online and print a copy of the form. Send it to Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281. Once the request is delivered, you should be able to get the report in about three weeks time.

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