How to Obtain a Disabled Parking Permit in North Dakota

Obtaining a disabled parking permit in North Dakota is a stepwise process, which has been explained in detail in this article.

Federal government usually allots temporary parking permits for three months. To obtain a disabled parking permit you must provide a certificate signed by a physician, detailing your specific issue and imparity. All such individuals must display a disabled parking permit on the wind screen of their car to use the disabled parking slots.


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    First of all, see whether your issue is consistent with the definition of mobile imparity under North Dakota rules.

    You will need to be familiar with the rules, regulations and laws involved in obtaining a disabled parking permit in the state.

    According to the laws, the impairment or disability can be due to various reasons including muscular pains, cardiac and pulmonary problems and use of mobile oxygen.

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    Navigate to the Motor Vehicle Division website for North Dakota. Find the application form SFN 2886 for obtaining a disabled parking permit in the state. Download the form and then print it.

    Provide all your personal details while filing various sections of the form. It is advised to make sure you select one or two placards on the form.

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    You will be required to take the printed application form to the physician so he/she can fill the section on the back of the form. Before the physician can sign and complete the application form, he will determine if the mobility impairment is either permanent or temporary. The physician will also be required to list the causes for the disability.

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    If you also want to obtain disability plates and temporary placards, include a small fee with your application. You do not have to pay for the placards if you have applied for permanent disability parking permit.

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    Use the recorded or signed delivery option when mailing your application to the North Dakota Motor Vehicle Division at the address, which can be found on page 1 of the form.

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