How to Obtain a Free Social Security Number Verification

A social security number is a must for everyone. It does not matter whether you are an employer or an employee; a social security number verification is must for both of them. The employer will not be allowed to hire employees or other staff members until he has his social security number and same applies to the employee; he will not be able to get hired if he does not provide his number. You can use W-2 forms to obtain the free social security number.


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    Visit the social security website

    To initiate the process, you must visit the Social Security website and check for the information. The website will tell you about all the requirements and information which are to be fulfilled in order to complete your free social security number form.

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    Enter your log in.

    After you have visited the website and collected information, you must now click on the ‘log in’ or ‘use business service online’. Remember that without clicking on any of these links, you will not be able to continue your registration, thus you must own any of these.

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    Select the registration option

    Now you should select the option for registration. Note that there are several options for registration and you can choose any of them according to your feasibility. You can complete your registration online or you can do the same through telephone.  In order to select online registration, you should select ‘register’. However, if you want to obtain your free social security number through telephone, you must click ‘complete phone registration’.

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    Provide all the details

    It is mandatory that you must give the required information honestly; otherwise you will not be allowed to register. After providing all the information, you must create your username and password. It is suggested that you choose your original name as the username, if available.

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    Enter your log in details

    After you have chosen a username and password, you must enter the details in the ‘Business Services Online Account’ to have access to your account. After logging in, you must activate your account by clicking on “Request Access and Activation Code”

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    Wait for your activation code

    Now you must wait for the activation code to be delivered on the address that you mentioned in the form. After receiving the code, you must log in again and provide the code to activate your account.

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