How to Obtain a Tax ID Number

If you are looking start a new business or non-profit entity, you will need to apply for a tax identification number. Opening an account with banks, securing lines of credit with vendors and opening a checking account is not possible without a valid tax identification number. Luckily, the steps involved in obtaining a Tax ID are simple and you can perform this task without the help from an expert. Tax identification number is usually assigned by the Internal Revenue Service. It is recommended to use the IRS’s website to get your Tax ID number quickly.

Things Required:

– Internet
– Personal Information


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    Before doing anything else, make sure you have all the required information ready. You will be required to give your personal details including home address and full name when applying for the Tax ID number online. If possible, create a list of items and details required by the Internal Revenue Service to assign the tax identification number.

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    If you are looking to start a business, you must apply for business Tax ID number as soon as you register your company. Filing taxes, opening a bank account and obtaining a business license from your local state office is not possible without a valid tax identification number.

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    Tax identification number, also known as EIN, can be easily obtained at the Internal Revenue Service’s website. Consider turning on your computer. Wait for Windows to load and give your control panel username and password. On the Desktop go to Start up menu, find the internet browser icon. Enter the website address in the URL section and you will be navigated to the home page of IRS’s website.

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    Find the business tab on the home page. Click the business tab and then locate the Employer ID number on the left hand side of the page. There will be loads of information on this page. Read the instruction carefully before clicking the tab saying apply for an EIN.

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    Simply click the Apply now tab. Answer the questions and the software will generate your application. Next, provide your personal details including your phone number, full name, social security number, permanent address and occupation. Click the complete button at the bottom of the page when you have completed all the sections of the form.

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    Click the submit button to submit your application. The IRS will mail your Tax ID number within two weeks.

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