How to Organize a Lingerie Drawer

Lingerie is an important part of women’s lives, as it helps them make a better impression and feel sexy and comfortable. Therefore, you should always be prepared to wear the right type of undergarments in different fashion situations.

For that purpose, you must have an organised lingerie drawer, where all your undergarments should be placed in a way that you can easily pick the one you want for a particular occasion. After reading this article, you will surely be able to get some idea about how you can organise your lingerie drawer in a better way.


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    First of all, you need to divide your drawer into sections, which will help you in placing your bras and panties in different parts of the drawer. Having different sections for different types of panties, bras or even complete lingerie sets allow you to take your desired item out of the drawer in no time, especially when you are in hurry.

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    Create a section for panties, and organize them according to their colours and styles.

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    Create a separate section for your black or white convertible bras. These types of bras come handy when you wear halter top or any other shirt that makes your shoulders completely exposed. These bras great substitutes for bras without straps, as you can wear them with almost every type of shirt.

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    You can then create a separate section for your sports bras. Sports bras work best when you work out, as they provide more support compared to regular bras. So, you can use one bra for each work out and wash all of your sports bras at the end of the week.

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    You can add in at least three to four sexy bras to your drawer, as you can use them look beautiful, especially when you feel awful about yourself. Do not forget to add push-up bras in your sexy bras section, as the push-up bras add a little more sexiness to your body.

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    You can also create a separate section for your everyday bras. Most women try to have many everyday bras, as this allows them to avoid doing laundry again and again.

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    If you have lingerie sets, then you can put them in a separate section. You can give yourself a better and sexy look especially when you are with your loved one. Lingerie sets always make the women feel more comfortable and relaxed.

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