How to Organize an Exhibition

No matter you are an artist, an art promoter or the owner of art gallery, it is very important to know the tricks of trade to organise a successful exhibition. There are couple of things involved in this process and keeping them in mind can be really helpful to manage everything with great ease.

You must know that only the perfect organisation of an exhibition can ensure the favourable results. Though, it can be an uphill task if you are new to business but little bit of research and preparation can make things lot easier for you.


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    Determine the theme of your exhibition:

    First of all, you should decide the theme of your art exhibition. If you are an organiser then determine whether you are going to display a single artist or there will be pieces from several artists. Similarly, you can organise an exhibition on a subject matter and invite the artists to show their work related to that topic.

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    Choose an appropriate date and time:

    After deciding the theme, you will select a date and time for the exhibition. You should consult your artists before announcing a date. Similarly, you should ask your guests whether they are available or not on that day. After getting a “Yes” from both parties, you are all set to start the preparations.

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    Get the sponsors:

    If you are organising the exhibition on your own then you should look for the sponsors to reduce the financial burden. Mostly, the beverages distributors, food chains or publication houses agree to fund the event.

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    Direct your artists to submit their work:

    Next thing you need to do is to give your artists a deadline to submit the work. Make sure that you have all pieces of art couple of days before the exhibition as you need to scrutinise and short list them.  You should keep them in packing to avoid any mistreatment during the preparation.

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    Create informational labels:

    After short listing the items for exhibition, you should make informational labels for all the pieces of art. You will give brief introduction of the artist and that piece of art. If you are not skilled enough then hire a reviewer for this purpose.

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    Advertise the event:

    You must notify the people around you about the event. You may use local news paper, TV and radio channels for this purpose. You can also prepare banners, leaflets, promotional calendars etc.

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    Last but not the least; you must be there to supervise everything. Ask the visitors what they think about the event and make amends if needed.

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