How to Organize Attic Storage

Normally attics are so over crowded that people often forget about an important thing that was stored in it. The best solution to such problems is to properly organise and thus effectively use available attic storage space.

Keep in mind that you may have to spend endless hours in the attic of your home to get it organised. The time you will have to spend would depends on the number of bags, boxes and other objects stored in the space.

Things Required:

– Trash bags
– Masking tape
– Marker
– Pegboard
– Closet rod
– Clear plastic bins
– Plastic file box


  • 1

    Quickly go through the stuff in your attic and sort it into one of three categories; keep, donate or throw away. Get rid of things you have never used before and would neither do so in the future, inexpensive things that are out of order and things that are just there without purpose. Contact your trash company for getting rid of the useless stuff after you have stored it in trash bags. For the to-be-donated pile, contact a local charity or organisation.

  • 2

    Now you need to attend to the items you intend to keep. Sort each item into a particular category such as sports equipment, dishes, pictures and keepsakes. Label each pile to avoid confusing one pile for another.

  • 3

    Devise a plan to effectively use the available storage space. There is no set rule for doing this and you will have to come up with a plan of your own. For instance, closet rods can be installed for hanging cloths, smaller items can be hung to hooks with pegs embedded towards the front of the attic, and least-used item can be placed behind pegboards installed along the eaves of the house.

  • 4

    Get rid of the conventional cardboard boxes used for storage and use clear plastic bins instead. It is much easier to organise and to move these baskets. Moreover, lids on these bins prevent various elements such as moisture, rodents and moths from affecting your things.

  • 5

    Use a plastic file box for storing financial and other important documents. Use label dividers with the plastic file box to easily find a desired document.

  • 6

    Use a permanent marker and a piece of masking tape to affix labels onto the stuff you organise. This will save you the headache of looking for a needle in a haystack.

  • 7

    To keep a track of where exactly you stored the main things, consider creating an inventory after you have successfully organised the attic.

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