How to Overcome Approach Anxiety

Approach anxiety is a psychological problem in which you hesitate in approaching the person you are attracted to. It happens when your mind is filled with absurd fears, needless chatter and senseless excuses. This works like a killer for the relationship as it lessens your chances of meeting the right person.

One thing you must know that it is completely normal to have approach anxiety and you do not need to consult a psychiatrist to overcome this issue. There is no special treatment to fix this. All you need to do is to follow some simple yet effective directions.


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    Evaluate yourself:

    The first and primary thing you should do is to evaluate yourself. Spare some time and start making list of the strengths and weaknesses of your personality. This little exercise will fill you with self-confidence and ultimately you will be able to approach the desired person in a more impressive manner.

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    Challenge yourself:

    Next thing you should do is to put yourself in an unfavourable situation and try to tip the scale in your favour. You cannot overcome any fear if you are hiding behind a wall of denial. The only way to break your limits is to challenge yourself. Approach unknown personalities and try to build a connection. Off course, there will be a disappointment in the beginning but ultimately the results will be amazing. Its all about perseverance.

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    Choose specific venues:

    Choosing a familiar place for interaction is another good technique to overcome approach anxiety. If you are not a social person then choose a quiet place for the meeting. However, if you are not comfortable in meeting someone alone then choose places like park, cafe etc.

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    Get a routine:

    To overcome the approach anxiety, you should make a routine and meet new people frequently. This will equip you with some great techniques of starting a conversation and carry on the interraction without any fear.

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    Set goals:

    Setting small goals can also help you in getting rid of approach anxiety. This is a step by step approach which helps you get close to your desired person gradually. For instance, you can give yourself task to say hello at first day and then try to have a small conversation on next day. Similarly, keep moving forward gradually.

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    Have a social life:

    Being introvert is not a bad thing but you must be welcoming enough to attract and engage new people. The more social you are, lesser will be approach anxiety in you.

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