How to Paint a Hardwood Floor

In order to preserve a wooden floor or to give it a new look, you can paint it. Painting will not only cover the flaws of the wooden surface but will give a whole new look to your room or house. You can paint with different texture and designs in order to make your house more beautiful. You can find many professionals who will readily accept this painting job but a lot of bucks can be saved if you try out this job yourself. It is not a difficult task at all and you will enjoy doing it.


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    Choosing the proper design determines the shape of the room. Light colours will give a small room look whereas deep and rich shades give spacious look to the room. Designing different border will attract the viewers whereas patterns can be made in order to cover the flaws of the wood.

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    Choosing the paint

    Picking up the paint depends on the time you want on the project, amount of wear you expect and how long the paint should stay. Types of paint are:

    Interior vs. Exterior
    Exterior paints will last longer and can bear many mopping. Interior paint on the other hand needs to be sealed.

    Water-based vs. Oil based paint
    For water-based paints, you will require to seal it in order to protect the finish. They have a better finish and are good in damp conditions as they can easily be cleaned.

    Oil based on the other hand does not require sealing protection. They have harder surface which even covers damage areas of the floor. Regardless of the higher cleaning and drying time, it has a higher lifespan.

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    Prepare the surface

    After choosing the paint, you need to prepare the surface to apply it. You should remove everything including furniture, valuables etc from the room. Wash and if necessary then scrape the floor in order to clean it. Fill any gaps or holes in the floor with wood fillers. Remember to let the windows open for proper ventilation.

    Then you need to sand the floor. Remember to sand the edges carefully either by your hand or belt sander. Later vacuum the floor and then wipe it with a damp cloth.

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    Paint the floor

    You will require a paint roller in order to paint the floor. You can even paint a base on the floor and then paint the patterns.

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    In order to protect the paint which you have applied, you will require a non-yellowing polyurethane sealer. These sealers are available in both oil and water based finishes and you need to apply three coats on the floor.

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    Maintain the beauty

    In order to maintain the look of your floor you can always apply the final coat again every year.

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