How to Paint Fingernails in Photoshop

Are you planning to send you picture to a friend and you find your fingernails look terrible? If yes, then you may want to visit a nearby salon, in order to add the extensions and polish. However, it can cost you a lot of money, which you will never want to spend, just to send a picture through email.

There is another way by which you can make your fingernails look beautiful in the picture, without spending money, and that is by editing them using Adobe Photoshop. You will only need to spend some time in colouring your fingernails, and no one will be able to pick it up after looking at your picture.


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    Install Adobe Photoshop in your computer. Run the installation file and click “Next”, followed by “I Accept” at the “Terms and Agreement” section.

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    Give the path where you want to save the installation files on your hard drive. Click “Next” and continue the process. When the installation is complete, click “Finish”, and you will see Adobe Photoshop icons placed on your desktop, as well as in the “Start” menu.

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    Run Adobe Photoshop and “Open” the picture that you want to edit. Zoom in the picture, in order to make the fingernails appear better.

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    Create a new layer and select the “Pen” tool. Make sure you set it to "Paths" mode, as you do not want to fill. Click at any point, on the outer boundary of your fingernail. Create a rectangle shape around your fingernail.

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    Now select the "Direct Selection". Hold the “Shift” key on your keyboard and select two points on the tip of your fingernail. Once again, hold the shift key and drag the points to the length, which you want to use for your finished nail.

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    Select the "Convert Anchor" and click on the outer base edge of your nail. Now drag the curve direction out and rotate the handle at the top of the tip to make the direction line parallel to that of fingernail edge.

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    You can now fill the nail with any colour you want. You can use dodge tool in order to paint the paint highlights on the surface of your nail. Also, apply the "Plastic Wrap" tool and make the nail look glossy.

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    Now repeat the process for every nail and you are done.

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